Treats & Forage for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs
Treats & Forage for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs
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Thank you for visiting us at Twigs & Burrows.

Twigs & Burrows came about because, like you, we believe that the lives of rabbits, guinea pigs and other small herbivores should be happy, safe and enriched.  We believe in making every single one of their days count.


My name is Belinda and together with my family have over 20 years experience in running a foster home for rescue rabbits and guinea pigs.  This has taught us so much about understanding the needs of these beautiful, bright creatures and each product added to the range will bring joy to the lives of your own pets. I actually started selling apple twigs and tunnels back in 2004 when I started fostering bunnies for the RSPCA, it was a great way to raise rescue funds, but the website only launched in 2019!

As well as caring for rabbits and guinea pigs of our own, we also own Buntings Small Animal Boarding (a 5* rabbit & guinea pig hotel in Worcestershire) where it is vitally important that we fill the days with lovely things to keep them entertained.  Nothing makes our guests happier than fresh twigs to nibble on, boxes to play in, tubes and tunnels to run through and hide in and fresh forage to encourage natural grazing.

It makes us so sad that the highlight of some animals' day will be the bowl of pellets they get given!  We love seeing them live happy, fulfilled lives and there are so many ways that we can make each day special for them - a few hours free ranging, a new cardboard box, a pile of fresh forage, a bundle of twigs - they are such gentle, undemanding creatures...

One of the best examples of how adding to an animal's environment can enrich their life so much was when we took a shy, scared rescue bunny who we were told had spent the first three years of his life existing in quite a dirty, dingy shed.  We didn't have much background on him but were informed that he had only been visited and fed intermittently!  We think that the bunny, who we named William, had spent days without even so much as a visit from his humans.  At first he was so shut down that nothing interested him and he lunged at me baring his teeth every time I went close.  Other than that he just sat in a corner looking quite sorry for himself.  He had been vet checked, vaccinated and given a clean, spacious foster home with us but his past experiences had made him quite an unhappy and grumpy chap. 

What finally sparked his interest and taught him to look forward to human visits was a love of apple twigs!  Once he realised that they were for eating he just couldn't resist and whilst he nibbled and gnawed I soothed and stroked him, slowly earning his trust.  From this point on he brightened up and began investigating his tunnels, benches and boxes, in addition to enjoying the forage we had given him to enrich his environment.  As this beautiful boy's quirky, funny personality began to shine through we intensified our efforts to find him a friend (he had been neutered in the meantime).  We are very happy to report that William is now living out the rest of his days with a beautiful bunny friend, both cared for by very loving owners in a huge set-up with things to climb and jump on, tunnels to run through, and a diet that is rich in natural forage and healthy nibbles. 

We have also had many guinea pigs arrive with us, often as scared, skinny little rescues (the girls often pregnant too!) and it’s been a privilege taking care of these and getting them ready for their forever homes. Many have stayed and become permanent residents though.

A percentage of all proceeds from Twigs & Burrows is spent on the vaccinations, neutering, veterinary and general care of the rescue rabbits and guinea pigs before they find new homes.

We believe in making every single day of their lives special.

Thank you for visiting our online store.